

Ax 常用端口


21 FTP弱密码
22 SSH弱密码
23 telnet弱密码
25 邮件伪造,vrfy/expn查询邮件用户信息,可使用smtp-user-enum工具来自动跑
53 DNS溢出、远程代码执行、允许区域传送,dns劫持,缓存投毒,欺骗以及各种基于dns隧道的远控
69 尝试下载目标及其的各类重要配置文件
80-89 应用服务器端口
110 POP3 可尝试爆破,嗅探
111 NFS 权限配置不当
137 SMB
143 IMAP 爆破
161 SNMP 爆破默认团队字符串,搜集目标内网信息
139 smb、嗅探
161 snmp默认团体名/弱口令漏洞
389 LDAP注入、匿名访问、弱口令
443 poodle漏洞、应用服务器端口
445 ms17-010、ms08-067
464 kpasswd Kerberos 口令和钥匙改换服务
512,513,514 Linux rexec 可爆破,rlogin登陆
554 RTSP
873 rsync
1080 ss 可以尝试使用ss代理工具进行代理
1194 OpenVPN 想办法钓VPN账号,进内网
1352 Lotus 弱口令,信息泄漏,爆破
1433 mssql(sql server) 注入,提权,sa弱口令,爆破
1500 ISPmanager 弱口令
1521 Oracle tns爆破,注入,弹shell…
1723 PPTP 爆破,想办法钓VPN账号,进内网
2082,2083 cPanel 弱口令
2049 NFS 权限配置不当
2181 Zookeeper
2375 docker
2601,2604 Zebra 默认密码zerbra
3000 grafan
3128 Squid 弱口令
3306 mysql弱密码
3312,3311 kangle 弱口令
3389 ms12-020、Windows rdp shift后门[需要03以下的系统]、爆破
3690 svn泄露,未授权访问
4848 GlassFish 弱口令
4899 radmin
5000 Flask、Sybase/DB2 爆破,注入
5432 postgresql 爆破,注入,弱口令
5900,5901,5902 VNC 弱口令爆破 VNC提权
5984 couchdb
5985 SOAP
6379 redis未授权访问
6443 Kubernetes
7001 weblogic、websphere
7002 WebLogic Java反序列化,弱口令
7778 Kloxo 主机面板登录
8000 Ajenti 弱口令
8069 Zabbix 远程执行,SQL注入
8080 jenkins、GeoServer、Kubernetes、JBOSS、libssh、poodle、struts2
8180 libssh - cve-2018-10933、JBOSS
8393、8983、8081、80、443、8080 solr
8443 Plesk 弱口令
8440-8450,8080-8089 应用服务器端口(可尝试经典的topn,vpn,owa,webmail,目标oa,各类Java控制台,各类服务器Web管理面板,各类Web中间件漏 洞利用,各类Web框架漏洞利用等等……)
8161 ActiveMQ后台弱密码(admin/admin)漏洞以及put写shell
9080-9081,9090 WebSphere(应用服务器) Java反序列化/弱口令
9043 、9443 poodle
9200,9300 Elasticsearch未授权访问漏洞、elasticsearch远程命令执行、Elasticsearch任意文件读取
11211 memcache
27017,27018 mongodb
43958 Serv-U
50070,50030 hadoop
61616 ActiveMQ

Bx 值得注意的端口


Cx 协议号

0/TCP,UDP    保留端口;不使用(若发送过程不准备接受回复消息,则可以作为源端口)
1/TCP,UDP    TCPMUX(传输控制协议端口服务多路开关选择器)
5/TCP,UDP    RJE(远程作业登录)
7/TCP,UDP    ECHO(回显)协议
9/TCP,UDP    DISCARD(丢弃)协议
17/TCP,UDP    QOTD(Quote of the Day,每日引用)协议
18/TCP,UDP    消息发送协议
19/TCP,UDP    CHARGEN(字符发生器)协议
20/TCP,UDP    文件传输协议 - 默认数据端口
21/TCP,UDP    文件传输协议 - 控制端口
22/TCP,UDP    SSH(Secure Shell) - 远程登录协议,用于安全登录文件传输(SCP,SFTP)及端口重新定向
23/TCP,UDP    Telnet终端仿真协议 - 未加密文本通信
25/TCP,UDP    SMTP(简单邮件传输协议) - 用于邮件服务器间的电子邮件传递
26/TCP,UDP    RSFTP - 一个简单的类似FTP的协议
35/TCP,UDP    QMS Magicolor 2 printer
37/TCP,UDP    TIME时间协议
39/TCP,UDP    Resource Location Protocol(资源定位协议)
41/TCP,UDP    图形
42/TCP,UDP    Host Name Server(主机名服务)
42/TCP,UDP    WINS(WINS主机名服务)
43/TCP    WHOIS协议
49/TCP,UDP    TACACS登录主机协议
53/TCP,UDP    DNS(域名服务系统)
56/TCP,UDP    远程访问协议
57/TCP    MTP,邮件传输协议
67/UDP    BOOTP(BootStrap协议)服务;同时用于动态主机设置协议
68/UDP    BOOTP客户端;同时用于动态主机设定协议
69/UDP    TFTP(小型文件传输协议)
70/TCP    Gopher信息检索协议
79/TCP    Finger协议
80/TCP    HTTP(超文本传输协议)- 用于传输网页
81/TCP    HTTP预备 (超文本传输协议)
81/TCP    Torpark - Onion routing ORport
82/UDP    Torpark - 控制端口
88/TCP    Kerberos - 认证代理
101/TCP    主机名
102/TCP    ISO-TSAP协议
107/TCP    远程Telnet协议
109/TCP    POP (Post Office Protocol),“邮局协议”,第2版
110/TCP    POP3(“邮局协议”,第3版)- 用于接收电子邮件
111/TCP,UDP    Sun协议
113/TCP    ident - 旧的服务器身份识别系统,仍然被IRC服务器用来认证它的用户
115/TCP    SFTP,简单文件传输协议
118/TCP,UDP    SQL服务
119/TCP    网络新闻传输协议 - 用来收取新闻组的消息
123/UDP    NTP(Network Time Protocol) - 用于时间同步
135/TCP,UDP    EPMAP (End Point Mapper) / Microsoft RPC Locator Service
137/TCP,UDP    NetBIOS NetBIOS Name Service
138/TCP,UDP    NetBIOS NetBIOS Datagram Service
139/TCP,UDP    NetBIOS NetBIOS Session Service
143/TCP,UDP    IMAP4(Internet Message Access Protocol 4) - used for retrieving E-mails
152/TCP,UDP    BFTP, Background File Transfer Program
153/TCP,UDP    SGMP, Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
156/TCP,UDP    SQL服务
158/TCP,UDP    DMSP, Distributed Mail Service Protocol
161/TCP,UDP    SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
170/TCP    Print-srv
179/TCP    BGP (Border Gateway Protocol)
194/TCP    IRC(互联网中继聊天)
201/TCP,UDP    AppleTalk Routing Maintenance
209/TCP,UDP    Quick Mail传输协议
213/TCP,UDP    IPX
218/TCP,UDP    MPP,信息发布协议
220/TCP,UDP    IMAP,交互邮件访问协议第3版
259/TCP,UDP    ESRO, Efficient Short Remote Operations
264/TCP,UDP    BGMP,Border Gateway Multicast Protocol
308/TCP    Novastor Online Backup
311/TCP    Apple Server-Admin-Tool, Workgroup-Manager-Tool
318/TCP,UDP    TSP,时间戳协议(英语:Time Stamp Protocol)
323/TCP,UDP    IMMP, Internet Message Mapping Protocol
383/TCP,UDP    HP OpenView HTTPs Operations Agent
366/TCP,UDP    SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. ODMR, On-Demand Mail Relay
369/TCP,UDP    Rpc2portmap
371/TCP,UDP    ClearCase albd
384/TCP,UDP    一个远程网络服务器系统
387/TCP,UDP    AURP, AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol
389/TCP,UDP    轻型目录访问协议
401/TCP,UDP    UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
411/TCP    Direct Connect Hub port
412/TCP    Direct Connect Client-To-Client port
427/TCP,UDP    SLP (Service Location Protocol)
443/TCP    HTTPS - HTTP over TLS/SSL(加密传输)
444/TCP,UDP    SNPP,Simple Network Paging Protocol
445/TCP    Microsoft-DS (Active Directory,Windows shares, Sasser worm,Agobot, Zobotworm)
445/UDP    Microsoft-DS SMB file sharing
464/TCP,UDP    Kerberos Change/Set password
465/TCP    Cisco protocol
465/TCP    SMTP over SSL
475/TCP    tcpnethaspsrv(Hasp services, TCP/IP version)
497/TCP    dantz backup service
500/TCP,UDP    ISAKMP,IKE-Internet Key Exchange
502/TCP,UDP    Modbus,Protocol
512/TCP    exec, Remote Process Execution
512/UDP    comsat, together with biff:notifies users of new c.q. yet unread e-mail
513/TCP    登陆
513/UDP    Who
514/TCP    rsh protocol - used to execute non-interactive commandline commands on a remote system and see the screen return
514/UDP    syslog protocol - used for system logging
515/TCP    Line Printer Daemon protocol - used in LPD printer servers
517/UDP    Talk
518/UDP    NTalk
520/TCP    efs
520/UDP    Routing - RIP
513/UDP    Router
524/TCP,UDP    NCP(NetWare Core Protocol)is used for a variety things such as access to primary NetWare server resources, Time Synchronization, etc.
525/UDP    Timed,Timeserver
530/TCP,UDP    远程过程调用
531/TCP,UDP    AOL Instant Messenger, IRC
532/TCP    netnews
533/UDP    netwall, For Emergency Broadcasts
540/TCP    UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy Protocol)
542/TCP,UDP    commerce (Commerce Applications)
543/TCP    klogin, Kerberos login
544/TCP    kshell, Kerberos Remote shell
546/TCP,UDP    DHCPv6客户端
547/TCP,UDP    DHCPv6服务器
548/TCP    AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)
550/UDP    new-rwho, new-who
554/TCP,UDP    RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
556/TCP    Remotefs, rfs, rfs_server
560/UDP    rmonitor, Remote Monitor
561/UDP    monitor
563/TCP,UDP    NNTP protocol over TLS/SSL (NNTPS)
587/TCP    email message submission(SMTP,RFC 2476)
591/TCP    FileMaker 6.0(及之后版本)网络共享(HTTP的替代,见80端口)
593/TCP,UDP    HTTP RPC Ep Map(RPC over HTTP, often used by DCOM services and Microsoft Exchange Server)
631/TCP,UDP    互联网列印协定
636/TCP,UDP    LDAP over SSL(加密传输,也被称为LDAPS)
639/TCP,UDP    MSDP, Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
646/TCP    LDP, Label Distribution Protocol
647/TCP    DHCP Failover Protocol
648/TCP    RRP, Registry Registrar Protocol
652/TCP    DTCP, Dynamic Tunnel Configuration Protocol
654/UDP    AODV, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector
665/TCP    sun-dr, Remote Dynamic Reconfiguration
666/UDP    毁灭战士,电脑平台上的一系列第一人称射击游戏。
674/TCP    ACAP, Application Configuration Access Protocol
691/TCP    MS Exchange Routing
692/TCP    Hyperwave-ISP
694/UDP    Linux-HA High availability Heartbeat port
698/UDP    OLSR, Optimized Link State Routing
699/TCP    Access Network
700/TCP    EPP, Extensible Provisioning Protocol
701/TCP    LMP, Link Management Protocol.
702/TCP    IRIS over BEEP
706/TCP    SILC, Secure Internet Live Conferencing
711/TCP    TDP, Tag Distribution Protocol
712/TCP    TBRPF, Topology Broadcast based on Reverse-Path Forwarding
720/TCP    SMQP, Simple Message Queue Protocol
749/TCP, UDP    kerberos-adm, Kerberos administration
750/UDP    Kerberos version IV
782/TCP    Conserver serial-console management server
829/TCP    CMP (Certificate Management Protocol)
860/TCP    iSCSI
873/TCP    rsync File synchronisation protocol
901/TCP    Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT)
902    VMware服务器控制台[2]
904    VMware服务器替代(如果902端口已被占用)
911/TCP    Network Console on Acid(NCA) - local tty redirection over OpenSSH
981/TCP    SofaWare Technologies Remote HTTPS management for firewall devices running embedded Checkpoint Firewall-1 software
989/TCP,UDP    FTP Protocol (data) over TLS/SSL
990/TCP,UDP    FTP Protocol (control) over TLS/SSL
991/TCP,UDP    NAS (Netnews Admin System)
992/TCP,UDP    Telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
993/TCP    IMAP4 over SSL (encrypted transmission)
995/TCP    POP3 over SSL (encrypted transmission)
1025/tcp    NFS-or-IIS
1026/tcp    Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services
1029/tcp    Often utilized by Microsoft DCOM services
1058/tcp    nim AIX Network Installation Manager
1059/tcp    nimreg
1080/tcp    SOCKS proxy
1099/tcp    RMI Registry
1099/udp    RMI Registry
1109/tcp    Kerberos POP
1140/tcp    AutoNOC
1167/udp    phone, conference calling
1176/tcp    Perceptive Automation Indigo home control server
1182/tcp,udp    AcceleNet
1194/udp    OpenVPN
1198/tcp,udp    The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in Java
1200/udp    Steam Friends Applet
1214/tcp    Kazaa
1223/tcp,udp    TGP: “TrulyGlobal Protocol” aka “The Gur Protocol”
1241/tcp,udp    Nessus Security Scanner
1248/tcp    NSClient/NSClient++/NC_Net (Nagios)
1270/tcp,udp    Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 agent (MOM 2005)
1311/tcp    Dell Open Manage Https Port
1313/tcp    Xbiim (Canvii server) Port
1337/tcp    WASTE Encrypted File Sharing Program
1352/tcp    IBM Lotus Notes/Domino RPC
1387/tcp    Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM (cadsi-lm )
1387/udp    Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM (cadsi-lm )
1414/tcp    IBM MQSeries
1431/tcp    RGTP
1433/tcp,udp    Microsoft SQL database system
1434/tcp,udp    Microsoft SQL Monitor
1494/tcp    Citrix Presentation Server ICA Client
1512/tcp,udp    WINS
1521/tcp    nCube License Manager
1521/tcp    Oracle database default listener, in future releases official port 2483
1524/tcp,udp    ingreslock, ingres
1526/tcp    Oracle database common alternative for listener
1533/tcp    IBM Sametime IM - Virtual Places Chat
1547/tcp    Laplink
1547/udp    Laplink
1550    Gadu-Gadu (Direct Client-to-Client)
1581/udp    MIL STD 2045-47001 VMF
1589/udp    Cisco VQP (VLAN Query Protocol) / VMPS
1627    iSketch
1677/tcp    Novell GroupWise clients in client/server access mode
1701/udp    l2tp, Layer 2 Tunnelling protocol
1716/tcp    America’s Army MMORPG Default Game Port
1723/tcp    Microsoft PPTP VPN
1723/udp    Microsoft PPTP VPN
1725/udp    Valve Steam Client
1755/tcp    Microsoft Media Services (MMS, ms-streaming)
1755/udp    Microsoft Media Services (MMS, ms-streaming)
1761/tcp,udp    cft-0
1761/tcp    Novell Zenworks Remote Control utility
1762-1768/tcp,udp    cft-1 to cft-7
1812/udp    radius, RADIUS authentication protocol
1813/udp    radacct, RADIUS accounting protocol
1863/tcp    Windows Live Messenger, MSN
1900/udp    Microsoft SSDP Enables discovery of UPnP devices
1935/tcp    Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) raw protocol
1970/tcp,udp    Danware Data NetOp Remote Control
1971/tcp,udp    Danware Data NetOp School
1972/tcp,udp    InterSystems Caché
1975-77/udp    Cisco TCO (Documentation)
1984/tcp    Big Brother - network monitoring tool
1985/udp    Cisco HSRP
1994/TCP    STUN-SDLC protocol for tunneling
1998/tcp    Cisco X.25 service (XOT)
2000/udp    Cisco SCCP (Skinny)
2000/tcp    Cisco SCCP (Skinny)
2002/tcp    Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) for Windows
2030    Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server
2031/tcp    mobrien-chat - Mike O’Brien November 2004
2031/udp    mobrien-chat - Mike O’Brien November 2004
2049/udp    nfs, NFS Server
2049/udp    shilp
2053/tcp    knetd, Kerberos de-multiplexor
2056/udp    Civilization 4 multiplayer
2073/tcp    DataReel Database
2073/udp    DataReel Database
2074/tcp    Vertel VMF SA (i.e. App.. SpeakFreely)
2074/udp    Vertel VMF SA (i.e. App.. SpeakFreely)
2082/tcp    Infowave Mobility Server
2082/tcp    CPanel, default port
2083/tcp    Secure Radius Service (radsec)
2083/tcp    CPanel default SSL port
2086/tcp    GNUnet
2086/tcp    WebHost Manager default port
2087/tcp    WebHost Manager default SSL port
2095/tcp    CPanel default webmail port
2096/tcp    CPanel default SSL webmail port
2161/tcp    ?-APC Agent
2181/tcp    EForward-document transport system
2181/udp    EForward-document transport system
2200/tcp    Tuxanci game server
2219/tcp    NetIQ NCAP Protocol
2219/udp    NetIQ NCAP Protocol
2220/tcp    NetIQ End2End
2220/udp    NetIQ End2End
2222/tcp    DirectAdmin’s default port
2222/udp    Microsoft Office OS X antipiracy network monitor [1]
2301/tcp    HP System Management Redirect to port 2381
2302/udp    ArmA multiplayer (default for game)
2302/udp    Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer
2303/udp    ArmA multiplayer (default for server reporting) (default port for game +1)
2305/udp    ArmA multiplayer (default for VoN) (default port for game +3)
2369/tcp    Default port for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server - Configuration Agent port number - though often changed during installation
2370/tcp    Default port for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server - Port utilized to allow the CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager to connect to the CONTROL-M/Server - though often changed during installation
2381/tcp    HP Insight Manager default port for webserver
2404/tcp    IEC 60870-5-104
2427/udp    Cisco MGCP
2447/tcp    ovwdb - OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon
2447/udp    ovwdb - OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) daemon
2483/tcp,udp    Oracle database listening port for unsecure client connections to the listener, replaces port 1521
2484/tcp,udp    Oracle database listening port for SSL client connections to the listener
2546/tcp,udp    Vytal Vault - Data Protection Services
2593/tcp,udp    RunUO - Ultima Online server
2598/tcp    new ICA - when Session Reliability is enabled, TCP port 2598 replaces port 1494
2612/tcp,udp    QPasa from MQSoftware
2710/tcp    XBT Bittorrent Tracker
2710/udp    XBT Bittorrent Tracker experimental UDP tracker extension
2735/tcp    NetIQ Monitor Console
2735/udp    NetIQ Monitor Console
2809/tcp    corbaloc:iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification.
Also used by IBM WebSphere Application Server Node Agent
2809/udp    corbaloc:iiop URL, per the CORBA 3.0.3 specification.
2944/udp    Megaco Text H.248
2945/udp    Megaco Binary (ASN.1) H.248
2948/tcp    WAP-push Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2948/udp    WAP-push Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2949/tcp    WAP-pushsecure Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2949/udp    WAP-pushsecure Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
2967/tcp    Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition
3000/tcp    Miralix License server
3000/udp    Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), modifiable default port
3001/tcp    Miralix Phone Monitor
3002/tcp    Miralix CSTA
3003/tcp    Miralix GreenBox API
3004/tcp    Miralix InfoLink
3006/tcp    Miralix SMS Client Connector
3007/tcp    Miralix OM Server
3050/tcp,udp    gds_db (Interbase/Firebird)
3074/tcp,udp    Xbox Live
3128/tcp    HTTP used by web caches and the default port for the Squid cache
3260/tcp    iSCSI target
3268/tcp    msft-gc, Microsoft Global Catalog (LDAP service which contains data from Active Directory forests)
3269/tcp    msft-gc-ssl, Microsoft Global Catalog over SSL (similar to port 3268, LDAP over SSL version)
3300/tcp    TripleA game server
3305/tcp,udp    ODETTE-FTP
3306/tcp,udp    MySQL Database system
3333/tcp    Network Caller ID server
3386/tcp,udp    GTP’ 3GPP GSM/UMTS CDR logging protocol
3389/tcp    远端桌面协定(RDP)
3396/tcp    Novell NDPS Printer Agent
3689/tcp    DAAP Digital Audio Access Protocol used by Apple’s iTunes
3690/tcp    Subversion version control system
3702/tcp,udp    Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery), used by various components of Windows Vista
3724/tcp    World of Warcraft Online gaming MMORPG
3784/tcp,udp    Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo
3785/udp    Ventrilo VoIP program used by Ventrilo
3868 tcp,udp    Diameter base protocol
3872/tcp    Oracle Management Remote Agent
3899/tcp    Remote Administrator
3900/tcp    Unidata UDT OS udt_os
3945/tcp    Emcads server service port, a Giritech product used by G/On
4000/tcp    Diablo II game NoMachine Network Server (nxd)
4007/tcp    PrintBuzzer printer monitoring socket server
4089/udp    OpenCORE Remote Control Service
4089/tcp    OpenCORE Remote Control Service
4093/udp    PxPlus Client server interface ProvideX
4093/tcp    PxPlus Client server interface ProvideX
4096/udp    Bridge-Relay Element ASCOM
4100    WatchGuard Authentication Applet - default port
4111/tcp,udp    Xgrid
4111/tcp    Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server - 默认管理端口
4226/tcp,udp    Aleph One (computer game)
4224/tcp    Cisco CDP Cisco discovery Protocol
4569/udp    Inter-Asterisk eXchange
4662/tcp    OrbitNet Message Service
4662/tcp    通常用于eMule
4664/tcp    Google桌面搜索
4672/udp    eMule - 常用端口
4894/tcp    LysKOM Protocol A
4899/tcp    Radmin 远程控制工具
5000/tcp    commplex-main
5000/tcp    UPnP - Windows network device interoperability
5000/tcp,udp    VTun - VPN 软件
5001/tcp,udp    Iperf (Tool for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance)
5001/tcp    Slingbox及Slingplayer
5003/tcp    FileMaker Filemaker Pro
5004/udp    RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
5005/udp    RTP Real-time Transport Protocol
5031/tcp,udp    AVM CAPI-over-TCP (ISDN over Ethernet tunneling)
5050/tcp    Yahoo! Messenger
5051/tcp    ita-agent Symantec Intruder Alert
5060/tcp    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
5060/udp    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
5061/tcp    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
5093/udp    SPSS License Administrator (SPSS)
5104/tcp    IBM NetCOOL / IMPACT HTTP Service
5106/tcp    A-Talk Common connection
5107/tcp    A-Talk 远程服务器连接
5110/tcp    ProRat Server
5121/tcp    Neverwinter Nights
5176/tcp    ConsoleWorks default UI interface
5190/tcp    ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger
5222/tcp    XMPP/Jabber - client connection
5223/tcp    XMPP/Jabber - default port for SSL Client Connection
5269/tcp    XMPP/Jabber - server connection
5351/tcp,udp    NAT Port Mapping Protocol - client-requested configuration for inbound connections through network address translators
5353/udp    mDNS - multicastDNS
5402/tcp,udp    StarBurst AutoCast MFTP
5405/tcp,udp    NetSupport
5421/tcp,udp    Net Support 2
5432/tcp    PostgreSQL database system
5445/udp    Cisco Vidéo VT Advantage
5495/tcp    Applix TM1 Admin server
5498/tcp    Hotline tracker server connection
5499/udp    Hotline tracker server discovery
5500/tcp    VNC remote desktop protocol - for incoming listening viewer, Hotline control connection
5501/tcp    Hotline file transfer connection
5517/tcp    Setiqueue Proxy server client for SETI@Home project
5555/tcp    Freeciv multiplay port for versions up to 2.0, Hewlett Packard Data Protector, SAP
5556/tcp    Freeciv multiplay port
5631/tcp    赛门铁克 pcAnywhere
5632/udp    赛门铁克 pcAnywhere
5666/tcp    NRPE (Nagios)
5667/tcp    NSCA (Nagios)
5800/tcp    VNC remote desktop protocol - for use over HTTP
5814/tcp,udp    Hewlett-Packard Support Automation (HP OpenView Self-Healing Services)
5900/tcp    VNC remote desktop protocol (used by ARD)
6000/tcp    X11 - used between an X client and server over the network
6001/udp    X11 - used between an X client and server over the network
6005/tcp    Default port for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server - Socket Port number used for communication between CONTROL-M processes - though often changed during installation
6050/tcp    Brightstor Arcserve Backup
6051/tcp    Brightstor Arcserve Backup
6100/tcp    Vizrt System
6110/tcp    softcm HP SoftBench CM
6110/udp    softcm HP SoftBench CM
6111/tcp    spc HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
6111/udp    spc HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control
6112/tcp    “dtspcd” - a network daemon that accepts requests from clients to execute commands and launch applications remotely
6112/tcp    Blizzard’s gaming service, ArenaNet gaming service
6129/tcp    Dameware Remote Control
6257/udp    WinMX (参见6699端口)
6346/tcp,udp    gnutella-svc (FrostWire, Limewire, Bearshare, etc.)
6347/tcp,udp    gnutella-rtr
6444/tcp,udp    Sun Grid Engine - Qmaster Service
6445/tcp,udp    Sun Grid Engine - Execution Service
6502/tcp,udp    Danware Data NetOp Remote Control
6522/tcp    Gobby (and other libobby-based software)
6543/udp    Jetnet - default port that the Paradigm Research & Development Jetnet protocol communicates on
6566/tcp    SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) - SANE network scanner daemon
6600/tcp    Music Playing Daemon (MPD)
6619/tcp,udp    ODETTE-FTP over TLS/SSL
6665-6669/tcp    Internet Relay Chat
6679/tcp    IRC SSL (安全互联网中继聊天) - 通常使用的端口
6697/tcp    IRC SSL (安全互联网中继聊天) - 通常使用的端口
6699/tcp    WinMX (参见6257端口)
6881-6999/tcp,udp    BitTorrent 通常使用的端口
6891-6900/tcp,udp    Windows Live Messenger (文件传输)
6901/tcp,udp    Windows Live Messenger (语音)
6969/tcp    acmsoda
6969/tcp    BitTorrent tracker port
7000/tcp    Default port for Azureus’s built in HTTPS Bittorrent Tracker
7001/tcp    Default port for BEA WebLogic Server’s HTTP server - though often changed during installation
7002/tcp    Default port for BEA WebLogic Server’s HTTPS server - though often changed during installation
7005/tcp,udp    Default port for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server and CONTROL-M/Agent’s - Agent to Server port though often changed during installation
7006/tcp,udp    Default port for BMC Software CONTROL-M/Server and CONTROL-M/Agent’s - Server to Agent port though often changed during installation
7010/tcp    Default port for Cisco AON AMC (AON Management Console) [2]
7025/tcp    Zimbra - lmtp [mailbox] - local mail delivery
7047/tcp    Zimbra - conversion server
7171/tcp    Tibia
7306/tcp    Zimbra - mysql [mailbox]
7307/tcp    Zimbra - mysql [logger] - logger
7312/udp    Sibelius License Server port
7670/tcp    BrettspielWelt BSW Boardgame Portal
7777/tcp    Default port used by Windows backdoor program tini.exe
8000/tcp    iRDMI - often mistakenly used instead of port 8080 (The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( officially lists this port for iRDMI protocol)
8000/tcp    Common port used for internet radio streams such as those using SHOUTcast
8002/tcp    Cisco Systems Unified Call Manager Intercluster Port
8008/tcp    HTTP 替代端口
8008/tcp    IBM HTTP Server 默认管理端口
8009/tcp    Apache JServ 协议 v13 (ajp13) 例如:Apache mod_jk Tomcat会使用。
8010/tcp    XMPP/Jabber 文件传输
8074/tcp    Gadu-Gadu
8080/tcp    HTTP 替代端口 (http_alt) - commonly used for web proxy and caching server, or for running a web server as a non-root user
8080/tcp    Apache Tomcat
8086/tcp    HELM Web Host Automation Windows Control Panel
8086/tcp    Kaspersky AV Control Center TCP Port
8087/tcp    Hosting Accelerator Control Panel
8087/udp    Kaspersky AV Control Center UDP Port
8090/tcp    Another HTTP Alternate (http_alt_alt) - used as an alternative to port 8080
8118/tcp    Privoxy web proxy - advertisements-filtering web proxy
8087/tcp    SW Soft Plesk 控制面板
8200/tcp    GoToMyPC
8220/tcp    Bloomberg
8222    VMware Server Management User Interface (insecure web interface)[3]. See also, port 8333
8291/tcp    Winbox - Default port on a MikroTik RouterOS for a Windows application used to administer MikroTik RouterOS
8294/tcp    Bloomberg
8333    VMware 服务器管理用户界面(安全网络界面)[4]. See also, port 8222
8400    Commvault Unified Data Management
8443/tcp    SW Soft Plesk Control Panel
8500/tcp    ColdFusion Macromedia/Adobe ColdFusion default Webserver port
8501/udp    Duke Nukem 3D - Default Online Port
8767/udp    TeamSpeak - Default UDP Port
8880    WebSphere Application Server SOAP Connector port
8881/tcp    Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server
8882/tcp    Atlasz Informatics Research Ltd Secure Application Server
8888/tcp,udp    NewsEDGE server
8888/tcp    Sun Answerbook dwhttpd server (deprecated by
8888/tcp    GNUmp3d HTTP music streaming and web interface port
8888/tcp    Hero Fighter Network Game Server
9000/tcp    Buffalo LinkSystem web access
9000/tcp    DBGp
9000/udp    UDPCast
9001    cisco-xremote router configuration
9001    Tor network default port
9001/tcp    DBGp Proxy
9009/tcp,udp    Pichat Server - Peer to peer chat software
9043/tcp    WebSphere Application Server Administration Console secure port
9060/tcp    WebSphere Application Server Administration Console
9100/tcp    Jetdirect HP Print Services
9110/udp    SSMP Message protocol
9101    Bacula Director
9102    Bacula File Daemon
9103    Bacula Storage Daemon
9119/TCP,UDP    MXit Instant Messenger
9535/tcp    man, Remote Man Server
9535    mngsuite - Management Suite Remote Control
9800/tcp,udp    WebDAV Source Port
9800    WebCT e-learning portal
9999    Hydranode - edonkey2000 telnet control port
9999    Urchin Web Analytics
10000    Webmin - web based Linux admin tool
10000    BackupExec
10008    Octopus Multiplexer - CROMP protocol primary port,
10017    AIX,NeXT, HPUX - rexd daemon control port
10024/tcp    Zimbra - smtp [mta] - to amavis from postfix
10025/tcp    Ximbra - smtp [mta] - back to postfix from amavis
10050/tcp    Zabbix-Agent
10051/tcp    Zabbix-Server
10113/tcp    NetIQ Endpoint
10113/udp    NetIQ Endpoint
10114/tcp    NetIQ Qcheck
10114/udp    NetIQ Qcheck
10115/tcp    NetIQ Endpoint
10115/udp    NetIQ Endpoint
10116/tcp    NetIQ VoIP Assessor
10116/udp    NetIQ VoIP Assessor
10480    SWAT 4 Dedicated Server
11211    memcached
11235    Savage:Battle for Newerth Server Hosting
11294    Blood Quest Online Server
11371    OpenPGP HTTP Keyserver
11576    IPStor Server management communication
12035/udp    Linden Lab viewer to sim
12345    NetBus - remote administration tool (often Trojan horse). Also used by NetBuster. Little Fighter 2 (TCP).
12975/tcp    LogMeIn Hamachi (VPN tunnel software;also port 32976)
13000-13050/udp    Linden Lab viewer to sim
13720/tcp    Symantec NetBackup - bprd (formerly VERITAS)
13721/tcp    Symantec NetBackup - bpdbm (formerly VERITAS)
13724/tcp    Symantec Network Utility - vnet (formerly VERITAS)
13782/tcp    Symantec NetBackup - bpcd (formerly VERITAS)
13783/tcp    Symantec VOPIED protocol (formerly VERITAS)
14567/udp    Battlefield 1942 and mods
15000/tcp    psyBNC
15000/tcp    Wesnoth
15567/udp    Battlefield Vietnam and mods
15345/udp    XPilot
16000/tcp    shroudBNC
16080/tcp    Mac OS X Server performance cache for HTTP[5]
16384/udp    Iron Mountain Digital - online backup
16567/udp    Battlefield 2 and mods
17788/udp    PPS网路电视
19226/tcp    Panda Software AdminSecure Communication Agent
19638/tcp    Ensim Control Panel
19813/tcp    4D database Client Server Communication
20000    Usermin - 基于网络的用户工具
20720/tcp    Symantec i3 Web GUI server
22347/tcp,udp    WibuKey - default port for WibuKey Network Server of WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
22350/tcp,udp    CodeMeter - default port for CodeMeter Server of WIBU-SYSTEMS AG
24554/tcp,udp    binkp - Fidonet mail transfers over TCP/IP
24800    Synergy:keyboard/mouse sharing software
24842    StepMania:Online: Dance Dance Revolution Simulator
25999/tcp    Xfire
26000/tcp,udp    id Software’s Quake server,
26000/tcp    CCP’s EVE Online Online gaming MMORPG,
27000/udp    (through 27006) id Software’s QuakeWorld master server
27010/udp    Half-Life及其修改版,如Counter-Strike
27015/udp    Half-Life及其修改版,如Counter-Strike
27374    Sub7’s default port. Most script kiddies do not change the default port.
27500/udp    (through 27900) id Software’s QuakeWorld
27888/udp    Kaillera server
27900    (through 27901) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
27901/udp    (through 27910) id Software’s Quake II master server
27960/udp    (through 27969) Activision’s Enemy Territory and id Software’s Quake III Arena and Quake III and some ioquake3 derived games
28910    任天堂 Wi-Fi连接
28960    Call of Duty 2 Common Call of Duty 2 port - (PC Version)
29900    (through 29901) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
29920    任天堂 Wi-Fi连接
30000    Pokemon Netbattle
30564/tcp    Multiplicity:keyboard/mouse/clipboard sharing software
31337/tcp    Back Orifice - remote administration tool(often Trojan horse)
31337/tcp    xc0r3 - xc0r3 security antivir port
31415    ThoughtSignal - Server Communication Service(often Informational)
31456-31458/tcp    TetriNET ports (in order: IRC, game, and spectating)
32245/tcp    MMTSG-mutualed over MMT (encrypted transmission)
33434    traceroute
37777/tcp    Digital Video Recorder hardware
36963    Counter Strike 2D multiplayer port (2D clone of popular CounterStrike computer game)
40000    SafetyNET p
40523    data packets
43594-43595/tcp    RuneScape
47808    BACnet Building Automation and Control Networks

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